GEMS Metropole School, Motor City
Metropole Farm
The Metropole Farm serves as an outdoor classroom and experiential learning center, offering students valuable opportunities for collaborative work with both peers and staff. Through their engagement with the farm, students develop a deep appreciation for the significance of sustainability. They actively take part in various stages of the farming process, from soil preparation and sowing to cultivation, harvesting, consumption, and composting. This hands-on involvement exposes them to the cyclical and organic nature of these processes, fostering a profound understanding of how gardens can serve as a source of inspiration and benefits for entire communities.
Farm Shop
The birth of the GEMS Metropole Farm Shop was motivated by our commitment to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, improving our world, safeguarding the environment, and actively engaging with our local community. Our mission is to align curriculum activities and school-wide events with these objectives, equipping our students with the skills and mindset to thrive in the future and make meaningful contributions to our community.
A source of pride for us is that The MTS Farm Shop is entirely student-driven. We've established a dedicated student leadership team responsible for overseeing all aspects of the shop's operations, including finances, marketing, and sourcing of produce. This approach empowers our students to take charge and be leaders in promoting sustainability and community engagement.
MTS Walk
In collaboration with Thrift for Good, our student leadership team conceived the idea of a Sustainable Fashion Show. Students participating in the event explored the Thrift for Good store to discover clothing items, which they creatively upcycled into stunning garments. These transformed clothing pieces took center stage at our MTS Walks fashion show, where they were showcased and subsequently auctioned off.
The proceeds from this auction were dedicated to providing essential support, including food and clothing, for underprivileged children in Indonesia. This initiative not only promoted sustainability but also demonstrated our commitment to making a positive impact on communities in need.
E-waste recycling
During our senior and primary Eco leadership meetings, students have expressed their eagerness to initiate e-waste recycling initiatives. In response to this, we have planned to conduct our inaugural battery recycling drive later this term. We are collaborating with the house captains to foster healthy competition among our students and staff, all while contributing to environmental preservation. This effort underscores our commitment to responsible waste management and sustainability.